Monday, June 21, 2010

Bundle monster plates!

I saw those amazing plate designs and I asked where they come from, Well it where bunlde monster plates, 21 pcs only 17,99 dollar! whoah! So I joined the grouporder! I wanted them!

Well, Today I put on Color Club - Wild At Heart, it's that amazing purple holographic color, you just can't stop looking at it.

But I wanted more, I'm totally in the mood for konad, but I didn't know wich plate to use and on the same moment I heard something downstairs by my door, so I ran like a crazy one and tadaaa! there it was! My plates! thank you god! (and the lady who ordered them for me ;) )

And I have 4 favorites:

the full nail plates!

I love them!


  1. maar hoe heb je deze naar nederland kunnen shippen? (:

  2. where did you find these plates at such a great deal?

  3. You can but those plates at!
