Oh i really want to say some things!
First of all there is a new dutch webshop for your nailpolish! Some people don't like to order in foreign countries but here in the Netherlands Opi and china glaze are real expensive..
But now there is: http://www.nailpolishfashion.nl/ *cheers* Just take a look and maybe you'll order some colors! I totally recommend this shop to you!
Second! Did you see this cool contest from The Lacquer Files? No?? What the hell are you waiting for!
*click click click*
Last but not least
I was tagged. (By michelle from The Lacquer Files)
Thanks! Now I'm supposed to let you know "10 things that make you happy"
Well to be honest, I have a lot to deal with at this moment, so I really don't have 10 things that makes me happy. Don't worry I'm not depressed! I just don't feel happy right now, I will be OK, but it needs a lot of time.
There is one thing that makes me happy, almost 8 years, you will probably laugh at this but it's my cat! She is with me for a long time (almost 8 years) and she is the one that helps me trough everything.. My BFF!
well, here's a picture of my princess..

And a video!
Thank you for reading